Friday, January 22, 2010

Big Brhootha

Another great reader submission, this one from Michael and done by Keller at Classic Tattoo in Pinellas Park, Florida.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Great reader submission from Luiz in Rio, Brazil.

The Hoot Inside

Markus, who had previously sent in this owl, has sent in an updated version, after having some more work done on it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Canned Hoot

Girls with owls on their shoulder also feature notably in today's reader roundup....

Sally just turned 18 and got this little fella for her first tattoo. Solid start! Done by Shawn Degan at Perfection Tattoo in San Antonio, TX.

Mel, a big fan of the blog (thanks!), with a lovely owl.

Keegan's forearm owl.

Jocasta marks the second shoulder owl of the post!

And finally, that's neat, that's neat, that's neat, that's neat, Jessica love your owly feet!!! .....*cough*

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Something's Got A Hold Of My Hoot

I got a lovely email from Rosie, who is a fan of the blog and liked a tattoo done by Myles Karr (must be this one or this one!). She contacted Myles, who then did these fabulous owls for her and her sister.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Hoot of Life

Matt Arriola

Hoots International

A quick reader roundup from some exotic sounding submitters...
Nice owltline from Herman.

Nora's owl compliments those boots.

From 'emerencz' (?!)

Nice foot tattoo from the enigmatic Von.

The Hoot Locker


Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Tribal Libra Tattoo

Getting a tribal Libra tattoo is a wonderful way for Libras to express their unique personality. Some common traits for the Libra are that they are diplomatic, tactful, seek justice, and seek social harmony at any cost. This is something to truly be proud of.

Some of the most elegant, charming and civilized people are under the Libra. As a result, the tribal Libra tattoo is a compliment to these traits. It is also import to do your research so that you do find the right design for you so that it reflects your personality and style. For those that truly want a tribal Libra tattoo, there are some good simple pointers.

The first good tip is to incorporate the Libra's element of air into your design. After all, air represents the intelligence, power of movement, and the ease of communication. Along with this element, you could include the Libran flower, the daisy. The tree of the Libra is the Acacia. Librans ruling planet is Venus. You could also have a combination of all this and more which will allow for a truly unique design.

Another good tip is to include Greek symbols and elements as well. Why? Well, the Libra has a lot of Greek roots. For instance, Astraea was the daughter of Zeus and Themis. It is common to hear that she was the last of the immortals to live with humans and that she was the personification of justice. Mankind grew evil and wicked and she couldn't bare it anymore. When she left, she left behind her scale.

The final tip is to keep it tribal. This one should be obvious but if you want a tribal tattoo and you read through some tips you might lose the scope that you were originally going for. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but when you want tribal you should try and stick with tribal. After all, tribal tattoos are both sexy and elegant.
These tips are just a starting point for you to find your right tribal Libra tattoo. Getting a general idea of what you want will ease the process while also making sure you get a tattoo that fits you and that is unique as possible. Tattoos are permanent so you want to make sure you got the right one.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tribal Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Most critical people have always believed that tattoos on the skin of people are nothing but evil incarnate. Most of these people would not care to understand that many tribes used tattoos as a cultural expression to depict certain inspiring meanings. Tribal Tattoos and Tattoo Designs were specifically used to explain the fabric that held various tribes in all its color, design and splendor. And to therefore understand what the tattoo depictions and their meanings are, is to objectively consider, especially for the judgmental folks, that tattoos don't just grace the biceps and backs for rappers and hooligans alone, but other good people who have something to say about their cultures.

The basic tribal tattoo is characterized by long and solid symmetrical designs which look like sharp piercing spears and glowing flames. These designs are derived from ancient tribal outfits which used the tattoos as a social distinguishing factor that basically showed that you belonged to the class of warriors and you - you belong to the wise men class. Moreover, the tattoos were a sign to galore the numerous achievements of a particular tribe probably over another and so on to the social stature of a tribesman. In the current and more civilized dispensation, Tribal art and Tattoos have grown or basically transformed into tattoos that are now used for artistic reasons. And looking at how solid and texturally beautiful and powerful the tattoos are and their designs showing certain exquisite intricacies, one could begin to understand why they are popular.

Tribal Tattoos and Tattoo Designs go back to the Egyptian super power era and then crossed to other nations with the same tenacity that it had in its inception. The basic symbolism of tribal art is now lost, only tribal scholars seem to understand them, and aesthetics has therefore taken hold of the essence of the tattoos. But if you are very keen, looking at the tribes in the world that still hold on to their cultures, tribes in West Africa, Asia and South America, you will still see their witchdoctors, hunters, chiefs and "warriors" still adorned in distinguishing tribal patterns.

Some basic meanings of Tribal Tattoos and Tattoo Designs
Tribal Tattoos and Tattoo Designs are touted as the first tattoos to ever see the earth's face, and their beginnings can be abrogated to Africa, Japan, Cambodia, New Zealand, North America, Taiwan, South America, Philippines and Europe. The tattoos were also a defense of sorts against evil spirits that many tribes believed would attack a tribesman if he did not arm himself with the right tattoos. In fact, the tattoos were considered as a means to getting intimate with the gods as they were believed to carry powers of magic that the tribes people believed came from their gods. With such a superstitious streak, you can begin to appreciate the importance and paramount feeling of tribal art tattoos. The designs there of were a reflection of the magic, spirits and presence of gods in different shades and forms, all in a bid to make an abode of the gods.

The western culture can be said to have killed the cultural inclinations and meanings of the tribal tattoos and done away with the gods and evil spirit that the said tattoos expressed and valued. As earlier mentioned, the tattoos are now viewed and marked simply for decorative and aesthetic reasons alone. The rest could be said to be now sealed in the deep annals of history, only to be thought over and not to be reincarnated.

When you think of Tribal Tattoos and Tattoo Designs, the most renowned tattoos are the Tribal Dragon Tattoos that you could see, especially in the Kung Fu movies or action movies with the Yakuza "Mafia." Then, there is the Tribal Sun Tattoos and the Tribal Cross Tattoos that were more of a religious, god's agent of expression, and lastly the Tribal Scorpion Tattoos of especially Asia and South America origins showing the strength of the warrior and his "scorpionic" stealth. Of course the four are just representatives of the so many other tribal images that graced the earth with their full glory and splendor.

Women and tribal tattoos
Even women were included in the sphere of tribal tattoos acquisition and the moon, sun, claws and stars were some predominant forms of tattoos for them. These women forms are still common in the current aesthetic dispensation and you can see this on the skins of many young ladies. In the ancient tribal tattoos period, black was the sole color used to mark out the tattoo forms. However, for the aesthetic times and especially for women, more colors have been added to create a feminine feeling of creativity and variety. And since women value adornment, the tattoos are inked on their necks, legs, arms, wrists and chest among other areas. The designs also have a feminine touch with butterflies and personalized tribal tattoos with initials being the most common.

Men and tribal tattoos
Tribal art and tattoos for men are basically a reflection of the macho man with his rank and status. Designs like the dragon tattoos with its reptile strength being that the dragon is considered in Asiatic mythology as the creator of the universe, and the thorn tattoos as a reflection of masculine beauty both unfettered and uncorrupted, are some of the masculine tribal tattoos most valued. Consider celebrities like Mike Tyson with his infamous tribal tattoo, David Beckham adorned with so many as an expression of love for his wife, Victoria and his sons, and 50 Cent the rapper, with tribal tattoos covering the whole of his back.

A word of caution is that even as you consider getting the perfect Tribal Tattoos and Tattoo Designs, don't do it in a hurry lest you regret it out of spite for a wrong and hasty decision made. Getting a comprehensive meaning of a particular tribal tattoo is necessary before you decide to ink one on to your skin.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SCOORPION TATTOOS DESIGN: Design Tattoo, Tattoos Designs, Tattoo Designs, tribal tattoos

The scorpion tattoo design is probably one of the most attractive tattoos inked today. They are usually quite intricate and have a somewhat sinister meaning behind them. The problem with using a scorpion as the subject of your tattoo design is that it requires more thought and planning than many other designs. The reason for this is due to the extreme complexity in their body structure.

The reason people choose the scorpion as a subject for tattoo design is the somewhat frightening image it portrays. This is due to their association with deadly stings and the use of them in many scary movies. There is a real reason to fear scorpions. Scorpions are related to the arachnid family (spiders) and as such are sometimes deadly. In addition to this they have many moving parts. The way they move and articulate seems somewhat unnatural to us and we see this as frightening.

Youth In Revhoot

Jamie Winn


I'm back! Tattooist submission from Adam Dorsett.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cool Tattoos Designs

To scout around for the best cool tattoos designs can be very exciting, at the same time, liberating. It bestows you the liberty to express your own sentiments and beliefs in art that not everyone can do. If you have not set your mind yet on one specific cool tattoo design, then it would be best if you could consult your local tattoo artist for the various designs they might have. Or better yet, you can just simply surf through the Internet for thousands and thousands of cool tattoos designs which will take away from you the trouble of finding the one that will truly match your style. The following are just a few of the things you need to be acquainted with to make sure that you will get the perfect design you want.

1. Create An Image Of The Design You Want
First of all, you should create a whole picture of the design you want to be inked on you. Make sure to come up with a tattoo theme or motif that will match perfectly well with your lifestyle, personality and taste. You should already have an idea of what a cool tattoo style the various tattoo designs' websites that will provide you with any kind of design you want.

2. Qualify Your Definition Of "Cool"
A cool tattoo design can be very relative as what you may consider cool may be considered lame by another person. That is why it becomes really important to have a clear picture on your head of the cool tattoos designs you want the tattoo artist to ink on you. That way, you will have no regrets later on that the tattoo design you have chosen seems not so cool anymore for you.

3. Add Some Elements To Blend With The Design
Yes, this is another secret to making an ordinary or usual tattoo outline cool; by merely adding some elements into the original design. Make sure to gather all pertinent details about the meaning, symbolism and representation of each element you are going to add, so that in the end, you are not only able to come up with a patchwork of all the beautiful elements you like, but a cool tattoo design that has all the beauty and significance you have always wanted in a tattoo.

4. Join In The Entire Tattooing Process
By simply taking part in the entire process of tattoo making, you are able to make the experience much more worthwhile. As soon as the artist grabs his stencil of your chosen design, he should ask you whether there are certain elements you would like to incorporate in the design. Then the minute he has finished the stencil, he will then relocate the tattoo design on whichever part of your body you specified that the tattoo be applied. As soon as your tattoo artist begins to start the inking, you should remind him of the things that you have previously elaborated to him. That way, you will be pleased with the outcome of your tattoo style, one that truly matches your style with perfection.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ideal Places to Have Tattoos on Your Body

For many people tattoos are a form of body art. This form of body art is becoming very popular amongst the young men and women. One of the main drivers of tattoos has been the women. Till a few years back, women with tattoos were considered to be of loose character and rebels. However, this perception has changed now and the society has accepted tattooing. There are many tattoo ideas. However, when it comes to tattoos for girls, there is a wide variety of tattoos to choose from. So, unless you know what you want, it becomes quite difficult to find one.

Though tattoos can be put on any part of your body, there are still some favorite spots that girls prefer to have a tattoo. Let us try and find out what these locations are.

Many girls prefer having a tattoo on their lower back. Lower back tattoos for girls are very popular because a tattoo in the lower back portion is considered to be sexy and beautiful. Another reason for the popularity is that the lower back offers a wider and smoother space for a large tattoo. Apart from the lower back girls also prefer to have tattoos all over their back. It is not uncommon to see a girl with a floral tattoo on her back or a girl with a tattoo on the back of the neck.

There are a lot of girls who prefer having a tattoo on their wrists. Wrist tattoos for girls are ideal because they are trendy and fashionable. Other areas on the body where a tattoo will look visually stunning are the shoulder area and the arms. Shoulder tattoos for girls normally comprises of stars, flowers, angels, etc. The arm tattoos include flowers, butterflies, etc. However, you can choose to have any kind of tattoo on your shoulder, neck, lower back and other places.

I am here to make things really easy for you however. There are close to 700 tattoo membership's site out there but we know the top 3. How? Because I have access to a site that lets me know stats such as users, return rates and consumer ratings. So my wife and I made a blog of the top 3 tattoo sites out there. We did a male and female section since some are more geared toward women and vice versa.

blue bird tattoo necklaces

blue bird tattoo necklaces

tattoo hamburg on back

tattoo hamburg on back

polynesian style tattoo

polynesian style tattoo

tattoo style pictures

tattoo style pictures

horror style tattoo

horror style tattoo

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tattoo Art Gallery

The average web surfer should be prepared to dedicate a whole lot of time to finding even "one" good tattoo art gallery. The great places are very hard to come by, especially if you plan on using search engines to find them. Like over 95% of us do. You really need a different approach if you are going to find a tattoo art gallery that has fresh, quality tattoos to pick from and I'll show you exactly how to do it.

When all is said and done, it really is quite easy to locate a lot of the better galleries on the net. Most people will never get around to it, though, because they constantly rely only on search engines. You see, using them might be the fast way to get a list of websites that have tattoos, but it's the "quality" of the artwork that these sites have. Search engines are giving us this huge, random list of low end galleries and nothing else. Every tattoo art gallery that pulls up seems to have the same old generic, cookie cutter junk that th next place has.

This happens because there is a new low end tattoo art gallery popping up every minute. They are taking over the first pages of search engine results and the average artwork surfer is not going to go past those first five or so pages. This is why so many people wind up settling on generic tattoos, which his sad. I don't care how long it takes to find the perfect design for your tastes, no sane person should be "settling" on tattoos.

So, what can you really do about this problem? Well, you have two choice here and one choice is going to be far better than the other. You fist choice is to continue looking through the thousands of pages of search engine results and hope that you find a good tattoo art gallery within a week or so. This isn't an option for most people. It's the whole time issue. Your second choice is to use forums, which can be a sensational trick for finding a bunch of the better galleries search engines aren't showing you.

The bigger forums work the best, because they are usually very well establish, which means that people are generally honest there. Also, the bigger forums are going to be packed with past topics about tattoos and related subjects. To locate a good tattoo art gallery, you simply skim through some of these topics and see where other guys and girls have somehow found fresh, quality artwork. It's crazy how many fantastic galleries you can find this way.

It's even crazier to think about why search engines aren't showing us these great places. It's worth the little bit of extra time it takes to find one great tattoo art gallery, because settling on a generic design that you don't 100% like should never be an option worth considering.

Tattoo Expo for Girls

Tattoo Expo, girl tattooArizona Sexy Tattoo Expo

Tattoo Expo, girl tattooJapanese Sexy Tattoo Expo

Tattoo Expo, girl tattoo
Tattoo Expo, girl tattooMoscow Sexy Tattoo Expo

Tattoo Expo, girl tattooUnique Naughty Sexy Tattoo Expo

Shoulder Tribal Tattoo - What Are the Best Designs?

Nowadays, tattoos have become a fashion accessory instead of just a tough-man statement. People of different gender, ethnicity and background consider having tattoos just so they can express their sentiments and opinions to a vast majority. Since tattoos can lure great attention, having one on any part of the body is sure to send the message across - be it about a different culture, belief or tradition.

One of the most widely used tattoo concepts is the shoulder tribal tattoo. The reason for this is because they impress a bolder attitude, and people are likely to be drawn towards the tattoo designs. This outstanding tribal tattoo can make anyone look tough or delicate depending on the design used. Since the design of the shoulder tribal tattoos signals a particular statement, stand or point of view of a person, it is important that the designs should match the character of the person well. It becomes a very important feat, then, to look for designs that would come across in different ways to different people.

Below are some of the ideas for shoulder tribal tattoo designs that are sure to help you express your personal views:

Flowers are the most popular tattoo designs for women who want the designs to appear subtle. Flowers make a good idea for these tribal tattoo designs, as they give a lighter aura compared to other designs. One can just incorporate tribal designs along with a flower, so it doesn't come across as hard or tough. But if hard and tough are the images you'd want to portray, you can just ask your tattoo artist to make the edges sharper.

Butterflies are colorful and add a bit of playfulness to a tattoo. When used along with a tribal design, butterflies make the tribal designs look softer and more feminine. It is an ideal design to use for women who want to appear chic and cool even when sporting a tattoo. Butterflies also make a nice combination to the somewhat dull and colorless tribal designs, so they are sure to be appreciated by anybody.

Mystical Creatures 
Dragons, sea monsters, mythical lions, and unicorns are just some of the mystical creatures that are good as center subjects of shoulder tribal tattoo designs. They are ideal for men and women alike, as they can be designed playfully or sketched rather roughly. Dragons are the most popular among the line of mystical creatures because they give off a powerful aura and feel. Aside from that, they are really mystical and can be associated with various ancient legends and myths. This is the same with unicorns, which are also rare and twice as mystical.

Tribal attraction bands 
These designs come in different styles. The good thing about this is that you can instruct your tattoo artist on how you want these bands to portray your ideas. You can wear them proudly while controlling the amount of impression that they create.